OSIM Sundown 2018 Review
Having been part of 2015 and 2019‘s OSIM Sundown, it’s only right that I attempt as participant for a full marathon at least once. This OSIM Sundown 2018 review gives you a feel of what it’s like not sleeping for yet one more night.
It’s one thing to be a photographer covering the event, and another to be a runner.
This event was still the only run that doesn’t invite the hot sun to be a special guest, so it is the draw for me to sign up. It wasn’t until 2019 that Standard Chartered did an evening run.
I signed up for this to see how far I can go after recovering from a chronic knee problem.
Seems with training up to 30% of the full distance, I could muster up to 13km before a cramp in my left foot stopped me from trying to run at a decent speed of 8km/h.
Not a good feeling to rely on the sprays that can’t seem to reach the problem area without taking off the shoes and putting it back on again.
The most painful part of this experience was in fact, countering the sleepiness that set in from 3am onwards.
Hobbling near the benches of East Coast Park, I could see myself curling up on the stone benches and calling it a day from fatigue.
It came down to where the water point volunteers are clearing out their stations, and the marshals on bicycles herd the last of the people who met the cut-off time for a medal.
That was what kept me going.
For every one that signed up, there will be DNF participants for whatever reason stopped them that day.
I was not ready to throw in the towel despite the foot that’s given up. The rest of the body will soldier on.
This is a test of determination.
What do you do when you realize there is no turning back:
- Foot’s gone to sleep
- Music player battery gone flat
- Mentally wishing I stayed in the comfort of the king-size bed at home
I took it all in.
The wonderful feeling of running late at night with the cool evening breeze pumping up my mood to a high.
The exhilaration of overcoming the uphill roads, then the rush of going down with no regard for the traffic because roads are sealed.
Then the crappy part of losing control of my foot.
And brisk walking the rest of the way, sun slowly rising up to signal the changing tide.
Eating sand in my eyes and mouth as we walk past the empty areas of Tanjong Rhu.
The company made the suffering tolerable, as I made friends when another person who was on the verge of giving up.
And we encouraged each other along, till the finish line.
Sundown full experience complete.
Perhaps the furthest I shall ever attempt again will be 21km.
“No sleep data” because well… sleep can wait.